Find Us, We’re Everywhere!

Part of the CAIR’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. As such, CAIR – Houston is starting to show up everywhere! We want to create and avail as many opportunities as possible to educate and empower. We are proud to work with our coalition partners to inform our communities wherever they may come out and we want more and more of our community to use as a resource. We’re making our presence known, starting with social media, starting with you.
We want you to find us!
Take a picture, take a selfie, tweet/post/share it with our hashtags #CAIRHoustonCares and #CAIRHOUSTON.

Communications Coordinator had the privilege of meeting Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir! #CAIRHoustonCares #CAIRHOUSTON

We have been on Twitter and Facebook and now, we’re on Instagram too!
The more people hear about us, the more people we can help. Share your resources – share us! Together, we can strengthen our voices. Together, we can be heard.

Twitter: @CAIRHouston
Instagram: cairhouston

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