30 Days of Ramadan, day 9: The Disney version

I believe I have had my fair share of epiphanies this Ramadan and at this time in the month I can’t say which is the most earth shattering. So instead of focusing on ‘the most’ this or ‘the most’ that, I’m going to focus on the epiphany at hand – life is a game of patience, especially so during Ramadan.

Seems obvious, right?

Well it is, but that hasn’t made it any less earth shattering.

Life of course requires patience, with the pursuit of an education, career, family, a non-conventional goal. I’m sure we’ve all heard this said in one way or another – ‘anything worth having is worth fighting for’ (Thomas Jefferson). I have come to realize this applies two-fold in Ramadan.

Muslims all over the world are beginning their day before the sun rises, rolling out of bed, cooking, praying, trying to catch one or two hours of sleep before starting the rest of day.

Patience level required: Rapunzel with Mother Gothel…

Then there’s a day of either school or work (or both) in which there are no water breaks, no snacking to keep a person distracted or tied over until the next meal. Not to mention the constant moving around during this time. After all, most of the world still requires for you to work at the same pace as usual, never mind the lack of energy or shifted priorities.

Patience Level: 6/10: Marlin when he first meets Dory…

Finally it’s time to head back home. Freshen up, pray, read the Quran, maybe squeeze in a catnap.

Patience level: 0/10, otherwise known as a Zen state (Muslim version of course): Chien Po…

Oh look, there’s an hour left to prepare for Iftar! Hurry hurry, get goodies frying, chop fruit, bake, boil, broil, steam, the table must be set before the Adhan plays! The pay off will be great Inshallah, but first there is work to do.

Patience level: 8/10: Colette with Linguini…

Food’s cooked and now everyone’s got their phones out checking the time. The whole day has been spent without food or water, yet it is this moment that requires the most resistance to temptation. Plates have been made, the delicious smells have already filled the room, you can almost taste it all (but not quite yet)…. It feels like a little battle between your stomach and its whale calls, and your heart with its endurance and ‘I can do this forever if my Lord required it!’ attitude.

Patience level: 10/10: Belle and the Beast, you decide which is the heart and which is the stomach: Belle dressing the Beast’s wounds…

So far I have tried to keep this post light-hearted. But before everyone goes about their way remembering early days filled with Disney tunes, let’s bring it all back to the point: patience is key. It is need to not only function in the day, but to continuously remember why fasting is taking place in the first place. And it is patience that turns every day of not eating into a day of happiness, and every act an act of worship. Thus every moment during Ramadan is filled with prayer and persistence.

And Allhamdullillah at the end of everything, peace is attained. It was all worth it…

The 30 Days of Ramadan series is written by Sobia Siddiqui, CAIR-TX Communications Intern. Enjoy more of her writing on her personal blog, Religion in the Melting Pot.

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